
Inkscape window never opens
Inkscape window never opens

inkscape window never opens

'FontSize': 11 (default, in pt), should be equal to the font size inside of the document, use '' if the font size should not be changed before hand.'Interpreter': 'tex' (default, 'latex','none'), changes the matlab text interpreter.Can be used, if the plots are used as svg files or if inkscape is not installed. 'OnlySVG': false (default), Option to stop after creating the svg file.'useOrigFigure' false (default, Use the original figure or create a copy?).'Verbose':, Should a waitbar appear to show progress or a console text.'DIR_INKSCAPE': directory to inkscape.exe.'Renderer':'painters' (default), 'opengl', ''(no change).) or PLOT2LATEX(h, filename, options_struct) saves figure with specified options. PLOT2LATEX(h, filename, 'option1', value, 'option2', value. This allows links of varible names to be placed within the axis or legend and so on, or variables can be subsequently renamed without having to recreate the Matlab plot. Requires free and open-source vector graphics editor Inkscape. PLOT2LATEX saves matlab figure as a pdf file in vector format for inclusion into LaTeX.

Inkscape window never opens